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Top 3 Goals for a Modern Union Website [with tips]

Boost union membership with a website that showcases your value, personalizes content, and drives member engagement.

Your union’s website is more than just an online brochure. It’s the central hub where members connect, engage, and find value in their union membership. To ensure your website is effective, focus on three main goals:

  1. Show off your value proposition
  2. Personalize content
  3. Motivate members to take action

Let's explore these goals and how your union can achieve them.

Top goals for a union website: showcase value proposition, personalize content, and motivate members to act


Top 3 Goals for a Modern Union Website

1. Show off your union's value proposition

Your union’s value proposition is what sets it apart from other organizations. This is the promise of what you deliver to your members and what they'll gain from joining. How well you deliver on your value proposition will determine whether members renew year after year. Make sure it's front and center on your website so members understand why it's worth renewing.

Not sure how to write your union's value statement? Start with our article, How To Craft Your Value Proposition.

Tip: Use your homepage to communicate your union’s value in a bold, concise statement. You can pair this with member testimonials or stories of successful union actions.

Union Voices 2024 Membership Performance Benchmark Report

49% of unions increased their membership levels from the previous year. 57% saw a rise in member retention rates.

Learn the strategies your union peers are using to drive member recruitment, engagement, and retention.



2. Personalize your website content for members

89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns (Source: 2020 Adobe Personalization Survey). In today’s world, one-size-fits-all content doesn’t cut it. Members want to feel like their union understands their specific needs and interests. That’s why personalizing your website’s content is crucial.

In your member portal, offer personalized resources, news, and updates based on each member’s role or interests.


  • Offer a conference discount based on their purchase of a training course
  • Prompt union members to update their profile if they haven't logged in for a while
  • Display news articles relevant to the member's location or job title
  • Remind them of an event registration deadline
  • Alerting them to important industry news
  • Remind them to renew when their anniversary is coming up. After all, the #1 reason members don't renew is that they forgot! Source: 2024 Union Voices Membership Performance Benchmark Report.

Tip: Simplify this process by using union management software that also manages your website. This way, your website can pull from each member’s history and tailor content to their interests and needs.

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iMIS® is an all-in-one platform purpose-built for national and local unions. You'll consolidate your member data, streamline your management processes, and unlock new opportunities to grow your membership.


3. Motivate union members to act

A successful union website doesn’t just inform—it inspires action. This could mean encouraging your union membership to:

  • Attend an event
  • Participate in a survey
  • Volunteer for a committee
  • Refer a colleague
  • Renew their union membership

Tip: Use compelling CTAs throughout your site. For instance, strategically place buttons like “Join the Movement” or “Get Involved Today” to encourage participation. Make sure these CTAs are visible and straightforward. Don’t make members search for ways to participate.

Mouse click gif


The Bottom Line

A modern union’s website is a powerful tool for member engagement, communication, and action. By focusing on these three goals, you can create a website that not only serves your current members but also attracts new ones.

Remember, your website is often the first place members go to learn about your union and stay connected. So make sure it’s a place where they can find value and feel inspired to participate.

Free Union Resource

Guide: Deliver an Unforgettable Web Experience for Union Members

A deep dive into recruiting and retaining union members using personalization. In this guide, you'll learn how to create data-driven strategies that actively engage your members.

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