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Q1 2023 iMIS Product Update

Written by Jeff Spring | February 28, 2023 at 1:15 PM

Welcome to the new year! We hope that you had a relaxing and refreshing holiday season and that you are now making plans to put iMIS to work in helping your organization improve how you interact and relate to your members and donors. ASI Product Management is always happy to hear your product feedback, whether it's feature requests or (especially) your iMIS success stories. You are always welcome to reach out to us at Thanks to all of you who regularly contact us, and we assure you that we read and respond to each email. Any ASIer will tell you that the iMIS community is what keeps us going.


Upcoming Events

Looking ahead to the 2023 calendar, there will be many opportunities for you to interact with the iMIS community, connect with other iMIS users, and see some of the great things that iMIS users are doing to further the missions of their organizations. A list of events can be found at

Some of the events that we are looking forward to are:

North America





  • ASI iNNOVATIONS Day in London, 3rd quarter




What's Coming in the Next iMIS EMS Update

For our iMIS Engagement Management System (EMS) clients, we’re currently rolling out an iMIS upgrade so that you can take advantage of the great work that our developers are doing and put the latest enhancements to work for you. You can always find information on the latest updates on the What’s New page, including links to our full documentation.

Here are some of the new features that you’ll find in the Q1 release:

Collapsible Staff Site Navigation

Our updated staff site navigation allows you to collapse the left navigation to put more of your screen space to work for you.


Fundraising Updates

For Fundraising clients, you will be able to adjust gifts and pledges and make changes to the Gift item, List as, Source code, and other details about the gift.


Dynamic Groups

If you use Dynamic groups in iMIS, you have probably found yourself wondering where your group is being used and possibly even wanting to delete them. With this release, you will be able to view exactly where your group is being used, and you can even delete dynamic groups that you no longer need. When a group is deleted, any pricing groups or associated settings that use it will be removed as well.


Gather Additional Information from Event Registrations

We have received many comments from users that it would be helpful to be able to require additional information when new contacts are created through Events. When users add a new contact through guest registrations or register someone else, you can now optionally require an address, email address, phone number, and/or organization to ensure that you can contact your registrants so that they do not miss any important communications about their event.


Recent History

The recent history in iMIS allows a quick and easy way to get back to contacts or events that you have been working with. Now you can also add gift items, commerce products, and groups to your recent history to make it easier than ever to get back to where you were working if you need to shift your focus.


iMIS AutoPay

If your organization uses iMIS AutoPay, your users can now cancel their own automatic payments, without having to contact your office staff. Also, we have added some new Process Automation tasks to email your members and donors when their automatic payments have been processed.

These are just a few of my favorite updates in the latest release of iMIS. For the full list, documentation, videos, and training, pay a visit to our What’s New page on the help site.  

Thank you again for being a part of the iMIS Community, we can’t do this without you. All of us here at ASI are wishing you another exciting year of growth and community in 2023.